Thursday, April 24, 2008

The ending of a great novel...

About 5 minutes ago I finished the third installment of the Fablehaven series. It was a great book, worth reading. I'll personally tell Brandon Mull that tomorrow when I see him at the Launch party. Anyways, if you have read the Fablehaven series then here are some other recommendations.

-The 13th Reality
-The Jimmy Fincher Saga
-Leven Thumps
-Rangers Apprentice
-Among the Hidden series

Those are all great books!!! But the best are Fablehaven, Rise of the Evening Star, and Grip of the Shadow Plague!


Jaxon said...

I love fablehaven!! i hope brandon mull will link this site. P.S this is from tee hee dude heres my email: go to people it rox

ethan said...

ben put in ur wii # so i can put it in my wii

Ben Hanzel said...

Ethan here is the #


there ya go

ethan said...

Ben it didn't work r u sure that u put every # in correctly

ethan said...

ben it didnt work put ur real wii # so i can put it in

Jaxon said...

ha ha ben isnt listening to u ha ha ha!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey ben, nice comment you left me. How did u get my blog website??